Opening times
Monday to Friday: 10am - 5pm
Book Your Visit
Before you can visit the Waste Museum, it is required that you book ahead. Click here to book now
Where we Are
Moniya, Akinyele LGA, Ibadan
There is a mess right in front of our eyes and it’s time we do something about it. Imagine if you were the only person on earth to see the consequences of littering.
Think about the deserts, the oceans and rivers which have been exposed to devastating problems by human activities.
Every year, 2 billion tons of trash are produced and it’s only growing, which is putting our environment at a very high risk of damage.
The damage that we caused to nature is affecting the whole ecosystem.
We are putting ourselves at a risk now more than every before.
There’s hope! We can turn back the clock and fix these damages but it takes all of us to change and think green.
Environmental risk factors of indiscriminate disposal of waste and the rising pile of garbage in our cities are huge, putting our environment at an all-time high risk of devastation.
The waste museum is a centre to showcase the circular economy of plants, animals and humans where the three are interacts without generating waste.
At the Waste Museum, we are creating awareness to revive our environment. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that no waste goes into the landfill but rather turned into treasures.
Monday to Friday: 10am - 5pm
Before you can visit the Waste Museum, it is required that you book ahead. Click here to book now
Moniya, Akinyele LGA, Ibadan
We are showcasing the value of waste. While we ensure no wastes go to our landfills, we also want people to see how waste can be turned into wealth.
BOOK YOUR VISITWe provide environmental education, equipping women and youths from with upcycling skills.
REGISTER NOWWe have found creative and productive ways to create employment by turning waste into valuable products.
SHOP NOWOur effort to save our environment from the looming danger can be a very lonely path to walk. Your kind donation will go a long way to empower us to intensify our effort to create more awareness and empower our women and youths in the up-cycling waste into treasure.
MON. – FRI.: 10am – 5pm
SAT.: Open by reservation